Friday, 1 April 2011

Southport Weekend

Ok - so this isn't something I did with Cas. However it is the first time I have been away from him for more than one night, so that was a milestone! Also I wanted to share some of the great photos that Tee took. So, I went to Southport with Tee and Katty to see Michelle who had travelled from Fort Wayne to host our friend Katies' baby shower! As you can see I baked a baby cake!

This is Michelle and I at Crosby beach were we went to see the Gormley's. First decent weather weekend of the year!

This is the fish installation at Southport Pier. Which incidently is very nice, as is Southport itself I think. We stayed in a lovely cottage close to the seafront.

We are like Charlies Angles . .but there are 4 of us . . We were posing in jumpsuits in House of Fraser!