Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Potty Training

Well Cas is 3 in July so I thought that I should make a start with potty training. I read the Gina Ford book - 'Potty Training in a Week' and got cracking. The first couple of days were a bit of a disaster, with several accidents -however by the end of day 2, he was doing more wees in the potty than out , we were making progress!

By the end of the first week Cas was dry most of the day, although he still needed reminding to go. Poo's however took a bit longer to get right. It seemed like he was holding on to them until he had a nappy to poo in at night.

A month later, we are mainly sorted now, sometimes at home he will do a wee in his pants to be naughty! But it isn't an accident - it is naughtiness!

He is excellent at aiming he wee! He likes to wee outside - soon he will be writing his name with his wee!

A month on in and he is dry most days, with only the occassional accident. Pooing as well is in the potty or toilet - although we have to be quick. When he says he needs to go, he needs to go now!

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